Tuesday, May 26, 2009

There's a baby in there!

I made it to my first doctors appointment. Lots of nausea but I was too excited to care. They gave us a book about pregnancy. A lot of prenatal vitamin samples and then our Dr. did a vaginal ultrasound. I didn't really even know they did those. Cody was horrified by it. But there it was on the screen... a little sac. The doctor said I must be around 5weeks along. I had thought I was much further so there was a little disappointment. She printed off the picture and we went home and stuck it on the fridge as a reminder. Turned out we didn't need a reminder. The 24 hour vomiting that followed -wouldn't let me forget. So I entered into the morning sickness faze. I mean I threw up and didn't stop. Sometimes 15x or more a day. When I wasn't puking I was trying not to puke. It was so miserable at the time. I cannot believe I survived that. 15 weeks to be exact. Thinking back now that time went by in the blink of an eye.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The News

So it was official. I was pregnant. My emotions were all over the place. Excitement one moment-sheer terror the next. It was almost unreal. I had to tell my mind that there was a baby inside of me. The more I thought on the matter the more joyful I became. I didn't really even mind the nausea and vomitting at first. It just was more proof that I was in fact pregnant! I immediately dove right in to finding out everything I could about what was going on inside of my body. I called the doctore right away to make my first appointment. I felt like I was the first woman on this earth for this to happen to. You could imagine my shock and disbelief when the doctor didn't get me in until two weeks later.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pregnancy 101

Cody told me I was pregnant weeks before I actually found out. I don't know how he knew but he knew. He also told me it would be a boy and he was right about that. He is right a lot now that I think about it. (but I would never admit that to him). I had been feeling "off" but several pregnancy tests had come negative. While grocery shopping one afternoon I was struck by the most horrible heartburn EVER! I had never had heartburn before but I knew enough to know that my esophogus and sinus cavitiy were on fire. I drank a sprite and alkazelter (which i am conviced is a cure-all) and never thought a thing about it. That evening around 11:00pm I was nauseous and began vomiting. The light bulb went off in my head. The next pregnancy test was positive... and so were the next three.